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The website may have been blocked. Please contact our customer service online to submit a new website URL to download the game.

For Security purposes, your player account will be temporarily blocked if you enter an incorrect username or password three times in a row. If this happens, please contact our customer service online immediately to resolve the above problem. Please check the status of your internet connection and antivirus configuration.

The “Security level” setting in the antivirus program can be set too high to run the game client. If you are having trouble loading some of these games, you can either turn off “Security level” or change the “Security level” to lower the settings. Then log in to the game client again and try to access a specific game.

This may be due to a temporary poor connection to your internet service provider (ISP). Or it may be due to issues with issues or your drive device. Please restart the game client and try to access a specific game again. If the problem persists, please contact our customer service online.
Sometimes it is due to internet connection or game updates or server maintenance. If it relates to Live Blackjack, the Table may be full, please try another Table or add your own to the waitlist for the next Available Game Schedule.
Please contact our customer service online and they will help you to solve the above problem.

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Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.

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